About Us

Providing Best In Case Training And Consultancy
Diversity Matters is a think-tank independent consulting firm that is dedicated to helping organisations of all types to grow by leveraging the benefits of diversity.

We live in a complex, interconnected world where diversity, shaped by globalisation, forms the fabric of modern society. Diversity in the workplace is an asset for both the organisation and the employee. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion foster innovation, creativity, and empathy in ways that homogeneous environments simply cannot.

Meet Our Team

Megan Flynn

Consultant & Co-Founder

Megan Flynn Dixon has roots from Australia and New Zealand and has worked in international shipping from 2000 to 2013 where she spent time in most parts of the world. 
Now based in Ireland, Megan has been active in local government and is involved in several projects that aim to address inequality.

Jipe Kelly

Consultant & Co-Founder

Originally from Cameroon, Jipe has more than 15 years of experience of facilitating mission-driven organisations, academia, businesses and government agencies in Ireland, Europe and Africa. His work with people from diverse backgrounds is effective in creating social impact.

Maria Silva

Consultant & Co-Founder

Maria is from Portugal and has many years of experience in facilitating organisations in Ireland including HSE, Galway City and County Councils, the Courts, NUI Galway, University of Limerick. She holds a Master’s in Public Law and has been involved in Human Rights over two decades striving to work creatively with migrants and achieve desired results. 

Joseph Nyirenda

Consultant & Co-Founder

Malawian Joseph has managed reputable community organisations and worked with local authority and higher education institutions in Ireland including Galway City Council, Roscommon Leader Partnership, Roscommon Integrated Development, NUIG, and Galway Refugee & Migrant Support Services.

Research shows that diversity
brings many advantages.

Diversity Matters is the only consulting firm that will help your organisation/business to
embrace diversity with confidence and provide better value for your services/products.

Clients We've Helped

Solutions For Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
in the Workplace and Community

Provide your employees with the best in class
training and protect your company


Wonderful Awards
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What Our Client Say
About Diversity Matters


We have Some Number of Great


Project Complate


Satisfied Clients


Experienced Staff


Awards Win

Team Member

Meet Our Experienced
Team Member

Araminta Max

Senior Marketer

David William

Senior Marketer

Richard Daniel

Senior Marketer

Upskill Your Employees to Ensure You Are
Producing The Right Work Environment

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