Training Courses



Whether working globally or locally, few organisations can work solely within their own cultural context. An understanding of the cultures of your employees, your clients, your supporters has a strategic advantage that no other bottom-line can match.

This series will develop participants’ knowledge and skills on how to engage with and serve the various minority cultures represented in Ireland.

Training Objectives: Prepare to work sensibly and sensitively with people from different back grounds.

Who Should Take This Training: Participants in change management programs.

Duration: 3 Hours



Employees, consumers, investors, and activists expect employers to help address issues that breed persistent inequities in the society. Inaction or token action with respect to equality, diversity and inclusion is now an enterprise risk and competitive disadvantage.

By developing a company-wide strategy that promotes diversity across various units/departments, businesses can create opportunities for everyone to participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. This can significantly improve the company’s image as a good place to work and can help the business to attract and retain talented employees from different cultural backgrounds.

Training Objectives: Ensure legal compliance and integrate Score Communication Principles in company strategy.

Who Should Take This Training: Team Leaders

Duration: 3 Days



Migrants in Ireland have different statuses and different rights and entitlements when accessing services. Understanding the various immigration statuses in the Irish immigration law is important when developing services for this community.

Furthermore, with the current skill shortages in the Irish labour market, Irish businesses are now looking beyond the Irish borders, and some beyond EEA borders to fill the skills they need to continue to grow and compete globally. It is important for businesses to understand the processes involved when recruiting talent from abroad and the implications.

Training Objectives: Comprehensive review of applicable legislation and understanding of conduct that may result in liability.

Who Should Take This Training:Management and Human Resources.

Duration: 3 Hours



Work with our team to design a tailored package that best suits your need. Together we will explore challenges and opportunities and come up with a package that best addresses your pain.

Training Objectives: Bespoke training that is designed to meet specific needs.

Who Should Take This Training: As required

Duration: Variable

A Boston Consulting Group study found that companies with diverse management teams have 19% higher revenues due to innovation.

Migrant talent
Acquisition Support

We can recruit migrant talents from
outside Ireland to boost your workforce
Get In Touch Today


We will identify, source and vet any potential new qualified talents abroad.


Our network spans across 96 countries, we can guarantee to find you the best candidates who match your talent needs.

No Down Time

Workers will be ready for your tasks from day 1 and will settle & integrate faster in Ireland.

Our Experience

With over 45 years (combined) experience in immigration casework in Ireland, we will get your recruits here when you need them.

Organisations that embrace diversity are resilient, highly effective, and outperform their less diverse counterparts

Consultancy Services

Diversity Matters Consultants do not only have wealth of experience in supporting organisations and empowering leaders to integrate diversity into their corporate agenda and making it work for everyone, they also have lived experience on a variety of issues that can help to build a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of the root causes of disparity, which are often rooted in structural racism and other systemic inequalities.

An engagement with DM is therefore characterized by a thoughtfully structured, yet flexible and adaptive, project management plan. We use facilitation techniques for stakeholder engagement that allow new ideas to be generated and create space for honest discussion of challenges and conflicts, while also enabling a synthesis to emerge that will inform action.

Who We Help:

  • Corporations and Business – Seeking to leverage the benefits of diversity to grow and create shared value.
  • Funders – Seeking to co-create solutions that reflect the diversity of the population.
  • CSOs – Seeking to leverage their resources and partnerships to improve lives and opportunities for everyone.

Engage minority communities with confidence

Build a coherent EDI vision for your organisation

Provide products or services that are inclusive

Optimise your current EDI strategy

Review your current EDI stratey

Facilitate productive discussion with migrants

Benchmark best practices in your industry

Coaching on a specific cross-cultural topics

Clients We've Helped

Diversity Matters

Get in touch today
We can tailor a package
for your company

Please fill in this form and one of our team will
be in touch with you in the coming days.
We look forward to hearing from you.

    Organisations that embrace diversity are resilient, highly effective, and outperform their less diverse counterparts